Please support FMJI in your year-end giving

We are excited about our growth at the Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Institute, and we are pleased to share some of the highlights of 2022. Our programming has expanded with in-person Johnson Institute Scholars conferences, a multitude of high school and college interns, and increased tours for community organizations, civic groups, and schools so the public can experience the Historic Courtroom firsthand. The Institute is expanding to fill a need, and our partnerships have also grown to include leadership organizations, schools and colleges, and more nonprofits.

Here are some examples of our growth over the last year:

  • Training teachers from all over the country through multi-day conferences on Constitutional education and historical court cases decided here in Montgomery. Every attendee leaves these conferences with a deeper understanding of the American judicial system and hands-on materials to use in their classrooms free of charge.

  • Tours for guests of all ages to have hands-on experience in the Frank Johnson Courthouse and an understanding of the history that took place here.

  • Award-winning programming. In March, the American Bar Association recognized the Johnson Institute with an “Outstanding Activity Award” for our 2021 Law Day program, “What is Due Process?”.

  • Providing personal interactions for our visitors to engage with legal professionals as they volunteer hand-in-hand with students, teachers, and others to foster knowledge of our court system. This includes the U.S. Courts’ “Civil Discourse and Difficult Decisions” workshop for students. Seven federal judges and over 30 attorneys have played a role in our growing programming so far.

The rich history surrounding “America’s Courtroom” is unique, and the Johnson Institute is unmatched in its programs to recognize this history. The notable civil and human rights cases decided there changed the landscape of the United States, and this cornerstone of American History is a vital resource for civics education. In our work, we can tailor visits to specific topics, rulings, and time periods that best suit the visitors. 

We invite you to visit us and thank you for considering a financial donation to help the Johnson Institute continue its one-of-a-kind civics education offered to everyone. 

We wish you the best this holiday season and hope to see you in the New Year. 

Debbie Long, Co-Chair of the Board of Directors
Thomas Rains, Executive Director

P.S. If you shop on Amazon, please select the Johnson Institute as your benefiting charity on AmazonSmile and support our work at no additional cost to you. With each of your eligible purchases, Amazon makes a gift to us. For more information, click HERE.
